How to Keep Raccoons Out of Your Garden?

How to Keep Raccoons Out of Your Garden?

Raccoons are notorious for wreaking havoc in gardens. These clever critters can quickly turn your carefully tended plants into a midnight snack. But fear not, there are humane and effective ways to deter raccoons from invading your garden sanctuary.

How to Keep Raccoons Out of Your Garden?

Install an Electric Fence

One highly effective way to protect your garden is by installing an electric fence. Here’s how to do it:

– Stake an electric fence with two wires around your garden.
– Set the first wire about 6 inches off the ground and the second about 1 foot off the ground.
– Attach the wires to vertical stakes about 6 inches apart to prevent sagging.

Electric fences deliver a harmless shock that teaches raccoons to stay away.

Use Natural Repellents

Raccoons have a strong sense of smell, and certain scents can deter them. Try these natural repellents:

– Soak rags in ammonia and place them around the garden.
– Soak a rope in ammonia and create a perimeter.
– Scatter blood meal around your corn plants.
– Sprinkle wood ashes around your garden.

These scents can make raccoons think twice about entering your garden.

Eliminate Food Sources

Raccoons are opportunistic feeders, so the key is to remove their food sources:

– Keep your garden free of fallen fruits and vegetables.
– Get rid of grubs in your garden, a favorite raccoon snack.
– Protect your fruits and veggies with fencing or mesh.
– Plant corn varieties that bear ears higher to thwart raccoons’ reach.

By removing their food incentives, you make your garden less appealing to raccoons.

Use Deterrents

Deterrents can startle raccoons and discourage them from returning. Here are some options:

– Install a motion-activated water sprinkler to surprise raccoons.
– Use bright lights and play a radio in your garden at night to disrupt their comfort.
– Create a homemade repellent using ingredients like chili powder or garlic.
– Consider using a Have-a-Heart trap with tuna fish as bait to capture raccoons humanely.

Secure Trash Cans

Raccoons are notorious for raiding trash cans, so securing them is crucial:

– Use bungee cords or locking lids to prevent raccoons from accessing your trash.
– Store trash cans in a secure shed or garage until pickup day.

By securing your trash, you reduce one of their primary food sources.


Protecting your garden from raccoons requires a combination of strategies. Remember that raccoons are clever creatures, so it may take some trial and error to find the most effective method for your situation. Always prioritize humane and non-toxic solutions to coexist peacefully with wildlife while safeguarding your garden’s bounty. With these methods, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor without sharing them with unwanted guests.


What are the most common ways raccoons get into gardens?

Raccoons are very good at climbing and squeezing through small openings, so they can easily get into gardens through holes in fences, gaps under doors, or even open windows. They are also attracted to food, so if there is any food available in the garden, they will be more likely to come around.

What are the dangers of having raccoons in my garden?

Raccoons can be a nuisance in gardens, but they can also be dangerous. They can carry diseases such as rabies and salmonella. They can also damage plants and property.

What are the best raccoon repellents?

There are a number of commercial raccoon repellents available. These repellents can be sprayed on plants or placed around the garden. However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of these repellents varies. Some people find them to be effective, while others do not.

What are the laws about trapping and releasing raccoons?

The laws about trapping and releasing raccoons vary from state to state. In some states, it is illegal to trap raccoons without a permit. In other states, there are specific trapping and release regulations that must be followed. It is important to check the laws in your state before trapping and releasing raccoons.

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